Think you know all there is to know about lemon essential oil? I bet you didn’t know about some of these amazing uses for lemon essential oil! It’s a cleaning powerhouse, and is a naturally detoxifying substance, with many everyday uses.
Using essential oils may seem overwhelming in the beginning, but it doesn't have to be complicated! We've outlined a few good practices to help you reap the real benefits.
There are so many interesting uses for Purification essential oil, it was hard to narrow it down to a top 10 list!
Purification oil is actually a blend of Lemongrass, Citronella, Rosemary, Lavandin, Myrtle, and Melaleuca essential oils. It’s famous for being gentle on skin. It’s practical and useful, like how the perfect essential oil should be. Someone once told me, "we all die one day what's the point of all this natural stuff". Well for me it's not about living forever but it is about living well. I want to spend my time on this earth feeling strong, happy, and energized. The truth is everyday toxins rob us of our vitality.
A toxin is a chemical or poison that is known to have harmful effects on the body. As magical as the holidays are, they can often leave us feeling overfed, overcommited and overwhelmed. But not you! You have your essential oil arsenal. You're ready for everything. Be sure you have these top six oils on hand and ready to go this Thanksgiving.
A common question I get is, how do I use my oils?
There are many ways to use essential oils but most can be categorized into three main uses; aromatically, topically, and internally. | is home to the Instant Results Team. We use Young Living essential oils because they work. Each of us are reaching greater balance every day. We all have our own story, and we want the world to hear it! We are committed to teaching people of the amazing benefits of these oils - and in teaching others to teach others - an unlimited number of people are achieving physical and emotional freedom every single day. Categories