Have you been hearing a lot about the essential oil trend? Even though they are becoming very popular recently, essential oils are not new by any stretch of the imagination.
They have been used for THOUSANDS of years for MANY different powerful applications. I am sure you have been hearing a ton about various single oils and blends and I will be taking you through some of those in this series in the next couple of weeks!
Essential oils are the plant’s natural defense and protective mechanisms. They work the same in our bodies as they do in nature. They penetrate cell membranes and disperse into our blood and tissues. 1 drop contains countless molecules that affect the body at the cellular level. Their purpose is to help support all of our body systems by keeping our bodies clean and our system functioning as it should.
Essential oils are greaseless, not like coconut oil or olive oil that you use in your kitchen. They never ever expire and are volatile. For example, if you forgot to put the lid on and left the bottle open all night, some would evaporate!
Essential oils are the highly concentrated, aromatic essences of trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, resins and flowers. They can be clear, amber, yellow, green, and even dark blue in color and range from very runny to almost solid in consistency. Each essential oil comes from specific parts of the plant they come from too.
For example:
Myrrh and Frankincense come from the tree resin
Lemon, Lime, Orange, Grapefruit and Bergamot come from the peel of the fruit
Cinnamon comes from the bark of the tree
Eucalyptus comes from the tree’s leaves
Rose comes from the petals
Pine comes from the needles and twigs
On average, each essential oil contains 100s molecular constituents with more being discovered every day!
So how are they made?
The key to producing therapeutic-grade essential oils, however, is to preserve as many of these delicate compounds as possible because even the smallest compounds play an important role in arriving at the final result! Just like a symphony, the quality of the music is dependent on each individual instrument coming together harmoniously. So any impurity or out of tune instrument has a dramatic effect on the final result. So let’s be VERY clear: All oils are not created equal.
I personally advocate ‘knowing thy farmer’ and live that philosophy daily. Young Living offers what we call a 'Seed to Seal' promise and I will be sharing a bit more detail about this later in the series so stay tuned!
Seed to Seal is the heart of Young Living's commitment to purity and authenticity. From the time the seed is sourced until the oil is sealed in the bottle, we apply the most rigorous quality controls possible to ensure that you are receiving essential oils exactly the way nature intended with as many molecular components as possible.
Making an essential oil takes a lot of work and in some cases, tons of plant material to make even just a tiny amount of essential oil.
For instance, to make just 1 oz of rose essential oil, you would need 60,000 roses. Crazy right? It’s no wonder high-quality essential oils may seem expensive. Have you ever thought of purchasing 60,000 roses? You literally need truckloads of plant material, have to race with the rising of the sun, or have to wait years before they are ready.
When you consider you can replace beauty products, first-aid creams and other household products with essential oils, it usually come out to be a win win for everyone and more natural!
(Source: Welcome Guide created by Lindsey Gremont, Young Living RCD.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat diagnose or cure.)